Labyrinth I & II,  2019, land drawings (photo: Finn Dyer) See drone video     HERE
  Sticks & Stones, Minerals & Seeds  ,    metamorphic Gneiss, Schist & Quartzite, tulip poplar, varied seeds, bamboo, net, 3’ x 11’, 2019
 detail:  Sticks & Stones , synonyms for ‘hurt’
  Sticks, Stones, Cording & Traffic Markers , 2019, experimental land drawing.
  Untitled , 2018, string, wood blocks, road markers
 2nd view:  Untitled , 2018, string, wood blocks, road markers
  Snake , land drawing, 2017, Drone view (photo: Eric Dyer)
  Snake , 2017, Satellite view.
 2 walked views of  Snake , 2017
  Solitary , 2017, Dimension of tulip poplar saplings 8x10’ (dimensions of many solitary confinement prison cells in the U.S.)
 detail:  Solitary  with branch pruner at center of land sculpture. The trees that form an 8 x 10’ perimeter continue to be pruned at top with lower branches cut to interweave one another. (ongoing project)
  Refugee Tent: Family of 5 , 2017 (self-seeded Tulip Poplar seedlings left to grow in dimensions of a UNHCR refugee tent with five cut clumps of Tulip Poplar seedlings stacked together. Located in rural Maryland on privately owned land. Context is h
DSCF2262 copy.JPG
  Black Box , 2017,  wood, ladder, graphite, post, (text on outer box: US, OUR, SECRETS, THE. Text on inner box: FEAR, DEEP, LINE, IN, TIME)
 detail:  Black Box , 2017
  Deed & Trust , 2018, wood, post, graphite, string, acorns, dim. variable (outer box: TERRITORY, BORDER, LAND;  inner box: REAL, TRUST, PROPERTY, DEED)
  Rural Portrait , 2016, bamboo, wire, clamp, gun & vodka bottle (signed 1972 & found in attic, Baltimore County).
 detail:  Rural Portrait , 2016, bamboo, wire, clamp, gun & vodka bottle (signed 1972 & found in attic, Baltimore County).
  Take Apart , 2016, gun parts, plastic. Disassembled 1976 NRA Commemorative BB gun (1876) found in attic.
 Disassembled gun parts hung on property Tulip Poplar tree, over 100 years old.
 left:  Considering deep time,  2016 ,  Ginko chloroform sap, graphite, paper, Hopi Tapaut maze, map of time walk in Baltimore County, 24 x 19”    right:  Surveying Tulip Poplar Leaves , 2016, leaf chloroform, graphite, paper, 24 x 19     below:  Vod
 Detail:  Disassembled Gun , 2016, packaged and set in China Hutch, Chestertown, MD for  What Lies Beneath
  Disassembled Gun , 2016, packaged and set in China Hutch, Chestertown, MD for  What Lies Beneath
  Vacant Body: Big Bluestem , 2016, grass shafts, hot glue, approx. 5’x4x4’
 This work was made so that two arms can move into two vacant cavities when approached from one direction after walking on a path through Big Bluestem grass.
Vancant Body Big Bluestem_In Grass_15.JPG
  Deep Line (Time Walk) & Panel Grass Drawing , 2016, satellite view of two land works: on left, a walk through time on land. Right (near tree shadow), panel grass drawing.
  Deep Line: Time Walk , 2016, view from beginning of walk through time with orange flags marking distance corresponding to major events in the formation of the planet, and eventual arrival of humans at end of time walk - on hillside.
 End of deep time walk: humans at end of long line of time since beginning of planet formation.  This is a walked line inspired by talks with New Zeeland artist/friend Trudy Lane. People were invited to walk a path in the middle of the tall grasses &
  Panel Grass Drawing , 2016, masonite, paint, grass hillside, dimensions variable
Triangle Masonite Panel Grass Drawing_Flipped Panel1.JPG
Triangles in Grass.jpg
  flags, strings & painted saplings , 2016, Land drawing with flags & nylon string. blue and yellow colored flags appear and disappear in changing light.
 This was an experiment toward seeking to make a drawing that uses the grass as the page, and string/flags as points and lines. How might the lines levitate above the grass?  Humans have long mapped & marked the land. This is a temporary land-map
Grass Drawing with flags:string:tulip poplar saplings3*.jpg
  Launch , 2016, Tulip Poplar Saplings, string, flags: land drawing on sloped hillside.
Adjacent Body IIUnfinished_4.JPG
  Orange Circle , 2016: painted Tulip Poplar saplings, dim variable: land drawing on sloped hillside. Branches move in wind: viewers walk into circle of orange swaying sticks. Tulip Poplar saplings are flexible & reveal slight shifts of wind. Whi
  Territory: A Topographic Map  (with residue from ‘Black Box and Adjacent Body’) , 2017, grass, paper, painted sticks, flags, post, snake skin, string, bark, leaves, wood, thread,  dimensions & materials variable
 Detail:   Territory: A Topographic Map , 2017 from exhibition  Tremor in Shadow , Project 1628, Baltimore, MD
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